1.chase the dragon
3.power is the path/anihilated part 2
4.final dawn
7.seventh vial
One can't help but to compare these dudes to early Slayer. The vox are almost completely dead on most the time, and would even spook Tom Arya. England has never really been known or famous for thrash metal. There really are very few good UK thrash bands from the 80's. Grind, death, crust, stenchcore, now that's another story, the UK was crawling with that shit. This really is Slayer worship, done without the hooks that Slayer is famous for. This stuff is much more straightforward then say Slayer. The production is very raw, andsort of lacks that real metal feel that many metalheads need. Has a crossover sort of feel in the production(not the writing or the music)
I bought this record due to the artwork. Its done by comic book artist Simon Bisley. Primitive compared to his later works, but still cool as hell. Wish I still had the bands releases on vinyl format. This is ripped off of my tape copy. The band released a slew of stuff, and formed in 1983, releasing the 1984 demo a year later. The stuff was godly for the time, and always kept my neck snapping. Unfortunately I purged the vinyl in the early 90's.. I was a dumb ass. Enjoy and comment.