Saturday, September 6, 2008

INFERNO anti hagenbach demo tape (1983)

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1.loir sind schontot sind wir
3.perfecktor mensch
4.Ronald Reagan
5.ram it
7.eskape from society
8.linke jam
9. moore sol daten
10.lie bes lived
11.stein kopf
12.wassen mord
13.administration at war

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This is a great find from my tape trading days, with other like minded people from around the globe in the 1980's. It was seriously so cool to trade unknown underground punk and metal bands music with people from other places back then. It was a real connection, and took a serious amount of effort to find these people, and to get the trading to begin. It was cool to think about the fact that there was some German guy sitting in Berlin or some place, who was as obsessed with true underground music as you might be, and that he/she was taping you some band you'd never heard from their region of the world. Looking back, I'd never have guessed that we would be where we are now with technology, the internet, etc. It really has made things like tape trading virtually instinct.
Inferno were of course from West Germany... yup back then East Germany was part of Russia, and the two had not become unified again yet.
Inferno were one of the fastest, loudest, rawest bands from that part of Europe. Its easy to see that both Japanese and Swedes later stole parts of their noisy sound and made it part of their own. The band did a slew of great releases, one of the LPs can be found here in my blog, and the most famous release is the Execute split on Pusmort records. I can recall getting this tape, and just listening to it over and over, wishing that I could understand the lyrics, yet knowing the lyrics were about the same bullshit that I was feeling everyday back then.
I did not include all the songs from this tape, as there were countless jams, and 16 seemed to be enough to throw on here. The stuff sounds pretty awesome considering the tape is over 20 years old. Enjoy.

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  1. One of my favourite German bands of all time! Unfortunately, this was another band that fell to the curse of metal with their "It Should Be Your Problem" LP back in 89 or so. I loved their "Hibakusha" LP & everything else, too.

  2. Recuerdo que esto lo escuchaba del cassette de un primo mayor

    Era muy bueno!!

    Luego él se fue con dicho material y nunca más lo pude eschuchar

    ... eso hasta ahora ... jeje

    Muchas gracias!!
    Thx a lot!

  3. your blog takes me back to my youth! thank you, its the best blog on the web.


  4. woah great post.
    their "tod&wahnsinn" lp is so good!

  5. i fucking love inferno. i used to do a radio show for wnur chicago, and i found their split with execute in the stacks. It was the inferno stacks that stuck with me, they are such a killer band. Tragedy bit one of their guitar parts for their Ending Fight single!

  6. holy crap man, this one's amazing. I love that style of bass sound, not a lot of bands do it... thanx!

  7. As a young kid who thinks the music of today is shit and that good music was from back in the 80s early 90s i'd like to say this blog is the fucking shit, and great band!

  8. yeah the bass sound is harsh without being complete shit. fucking rad. Wonder what the members are up to today?

  9. Infero released a TRIPLE Anthology Lp called `Pioneering Work´ (Weired System Records).
    If you want to know more about the band or what the members are up to now check their myspace tribute page:

  10. Thanks a lot for this upload!
    So cool to rediscover this. In the mid eighties i lived an hour ago from Munich, really deepest province. One day at the playground (!) my friend and me found a tape in the garbage bin. We did not know the band on that tape that played very rough punk, but liked it. At that time, being thirteen or fourteen meant that it was quite hard to get new music of that kind because radioshows featuring metal or punk were very rare, on television you did not see anything except you had satellite tv, and in stores in the province they mostly sold commercial stuff. Apart from the fact that you had no money to buy stuff. So that was a nice coincidence for us because it was for free. Quite some time later, i learned that the S.O.D. had covered 'ram it up' from a German punk band called Infero, so it was clear which tape we had found because that was one of my faves.
    the special thing about that time was that listening to underground music was kind of like mushroom hunting or digging for gold: it was extremely difficult but if you found something special it seemed really worth all the efforts put into. And that lead to the fact that i still just do not consume music. I am still picky about what i search for and i still share the passion. Also for blogspots from familiar minds!! thanks, and cheers, Tom, Munich

  11. great site, keep it up the good work.

  12. It Should Be Your Problem!
